Onoe Tamizo (尾上多見蔵)

"Tamizo ONOE" is a professional name which was used by some Kabuki (a traditional form of drama and music performed by male actors) actors.

Tamizo ONOE the First

His haimyo (a Kabuki actor's offstage name which can be used both officially and privately) was Kocho (幸朝). His yago (stage family names) were Aizu-ya and Otowa-ya.

Tamizo ONOE the Second

His haimyo were Nicho (二朝), Shogyoku (松玉), Shocho(松朝), Gago, and Shunpusha (春風舎). His yago was Otowa-ya.

Tamizo ONOE the Third

His haimyo was Baisho (梅笑) and his yago was Otowa-ya.

[Original Japanese]